Teenage Buddhas program is a Free program conducted by QLU for Teenagers. This program is created for the sole purpose of imparting knowledge and skills to young children for living a life of purpose.
This amazing program encourages them to connect to their innate wisdom, and covers 5 key aspects of life - Health, Relationships, wealth, career and Spirituality
Through the following topics:
· Meditation & Mindfulness, and Middle Path (Spiritual)
· Relationships are Sacred Mirrors (Relationships)
· Emotions and Self Love (Health)
· Self-worth & Success (Wealth & Career
Key Benefits
• Children learn Meditation and its benefits.
• They learn about the Mind-Body-Spirit connection and how to heal themselves.
• They learn how to express, embrace and handle their emotions in a healthy manner.
• Teenagers learn about their own unique identity, purpose of life and how to focus their energies towards it.
• They understand how to set healthy boundaries