Past Life Regression & Spiritual Science - 2-day Residential Workshop:
The psyche of every individual consists of four layers – the Physical, the Emotional, the Mental, and the Spiritual. It is not possible for any human being to exist if even one of these aspects is missing. Every incident or situation that the psyche encounters (in all lifetimes) leaves an indelible impression on all the aspects of the psyche.
Incidents and situations that the individual could not come out from with complete understanding continue to remain as energy blocks in the psyche. Such trauma that is buried deep inside our subconscious causes many unexplainable problems faced in this lifetime. These unresolved issues from the past create physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments.
There is an old saying - "To re-live is to relieve". Once a traumatic or unpleasant situation is relived during the regression, it results in greater understanding at deeper levels of the psyche. Therefore, once the buried trauma is brought to the conscious awareness through regression, the problems start clearing up automatically and naturally.
Past-life-regression works on the principle of cause and effect and helps removes the effects by addressing the root causes. By going to a root cause and understanding how it has affected the present, profound natural healing takes place automatically. According to this principle; when the effect is forced back to the cause, the effect vanishes.
Past-life-regression works simultaneously on Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit and heals at all levels.
This workshop is designed to help you in the following ways:
It helps you go to the respective root causes of your present life circumstances and situations and thereby understand the cause-effect relationship. This leads to healing all levels – Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual.
It helps you in your quest for Inner Transformation and Spiritual Growth.
This empowering and wisdom based workshop has three main aspects:
Presentations on relevant aspects of Spiritual Science (Metaphysics)
Practical Exercises on extra-sensory-perception (ESP)
Past Life Regression Sessions on core themes
The workshop is arranged to answer many of your questions and the practical sessions are designed to bring about a transformation in your life. A wide range of audio-video multimedia presentations on related topics would also be presented during this training program to give you the best possible information and enrich you overall experience.
The Workshop Includes The Following Topics: Essentials of spiritual science: astral travel, third eye, kundalini energy, aura, e.s.p., intuition, akashic records, thought power, spirit guides, master's wisdom, over-self contact, meditation, past-lives, future lives, self-healing, dream mastery etc.
Presentation on “The Science of Past Life Regression”
Practical Session 1:
Creative visualization and art of relaxation...
Age regression: going back to childhood days and womb state.... Regaining joy, love, creativity, playfulness and spontaneity by working on emotional blocks, self defeating patterns.
General past life regression - back-to-the-cause regression. Once you know the root cause, this session assists you to obtain a karmic overview of the situation so you can act to eliminate undesirable effects.
Presentation on “Health & Emotions”
Practical Session 2:
Specific past life regression... Physical health illnesses.
Learn self-healing techniques.
Practical Session 3:
Specific past life regression... Fears and phobias.
Emotional problems… Learn emotional alchemy: transform your fear based emotions into love based emotions.
Presentation on “Spiritual Science & Relationships”
Practical Session 4:
Past life exploration with a person of your choice…
Discover your past-life ties with others and learn about your relationships, present and future, as joint karma unfolds.
Practical Session 5:
Past-life talents and abilities - a multi-life regression to seek out forgotten knowledge from former lives.
Positive talents and abilities may stem from past lives - Over soul awareness of your life plan - a multi-life perspective to discover what you are here to accomplish and how to accelerate the evolutionary process.
Contacting your astral guides, ascended masters - Future Progression - time travel into your probable future. Learn to shape and reprogram your future.
Apart from the above sessions, there are other practical sessions on various extra-sensory-perceptions (ESPs) like telepathy, psycho-kinesis, astral-travel, aura reading etc. that will help you understand your true multidimensional nature.
Healing of chronic diseases is brought about through the understanding of karmic patterns and the removal of energy blockages.
Relief from all kinds of specific phobias by having an understanding of their specific causes, which in many cases are present in the previous lives.
Improvement in inter-personal relationships, thus putting an end to baseless clashes and friction with ones lifetime relations.
Freedom from the fear of death as a far wider and deeper perspective on the cycle of life & death is gained.
Helps to retrieve talents and skills from other lifetimes.
Helps to know the purpose of ones life by viewing the blueprint for this lifetime.
Target Audience
This very intensive workshop on soul-journey and self-discovery is very useful for individuals:
Who are interested in finding out their life-purpose and blueprint, and acquiring useful insights that would help them in manifesting their highest potential.
Who are looking for Inner Transformation and Spiritual Growth by discovering their true selves completely devoid of all illusions and pretences.
Who wish to receive intensive training in the Past-Life-Regression Therapy. Please note that this workshop is a pre-requisite for the 6-day Residential Training Program on Past Life Regression Therapy.
Note: Persons with the below mentioned health issues are advised not to attend this course
-Psychiatric issues such as depression or suicidal tendencies, bipolar disorder, multiple-personality disorder, schizophrenia or any other related or similar issues